Set Free Grace Bible College


My journey from Religion to the Gospel of grace.

I used to think that I could earn God’s favour and salvation on the basis of my inherent virtue and good works. Of course, I admitted I wasn’t perfect. But I foolishly presumed that my good deeds would somehow outweigh my bad deeds. In this respect, I thought and behaved much like the Pharisees, scribes, and Jewish people of Jesus’ day who trusted in their own inherent virtue and religious performance to merit their acceptance before God.

Thankfully I encountered the gospel of grace through Set Free Grace Bible College founded by Ken Legg, through his marvelous teachings, videos and books God helped me realize that my sinfulness was heart-deep and that the best of my moral or religious deeds were worthless for earning His favour. By His saving grace, I repented of my sin and self-righteousness, placing my confidence and hope in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone. Now am serving the Lord with the true gospel Liberating hundreds of souls in my nation.

Edwin NsakululaLeading Pastor of World Liberation church, Zambia

Healing through understanding my identity

I was a Christian and my husband also a Christian endeavoring to obey God’s commandments. Then we had our first son. After giving birth to my son, both me and my son became sick. This illness was growing. I spent months at the mission hospital but nothing changed. I spent time being prayed for by pastors and prophets but nothing changed. I went from prophet to prophet but our illness continued. We were now in poverty as we lost a lot in paying seed to the prophets and apostles. We remained with only one cow out of 12. Then headman brought the Grace Gospel through the pastors from Ken Legg. One thing that touched me was that the Old Testament had human mediators yet the New Testament doesn’t have human mediators because our mediator is Jesus Christ. Knowing that I am the son of God, I asked God directly, saying my Father have you given me a son or a problem? I know you love me – lift this problem away from me. The following morning I woke up without pains. That was the first week for me and my son to enjoy good health. Right now my son is in school 7 years after being healed.

 Sophia Nalumpa, Nangoma.

Liberation through the message of grace

I lead the Copperbelt Regional Leadership Team of Set Free Grace Bible College.

We have grown in Grace and in the Knowledge of God’s Word because Pastor Ken Legg teaches with clarity with reference to scriptures. His teaching is captured on video so it can’t be corrupted or diluted.

The message of grace has liberated so many pastors from legalism and from false teachings that we are opening centres across the country. Pastors and church leaders of all denominations enrol and the tuition is free.

Some of our regions are getting free from the influence false prophets, because Pastors are now preaching the true Gospel of Grace in their churches.

We thank God for Pastor Ken Legg, New Beginnings Church and Ken’s team of supporters for bringing the Gospel of Grace to our regions.

Pastor Henry Mweemba – Team leader, Copperbelt Regional Leadership Team

Better quipped for ministry

Ps. Ken Legg’s teachings on the Grace of God and the Dispensations in which God has been and is relating to His people, has transformed my life and my ministry as an evangelist.

I now understand that God relates to me in His Grace and I have to move in this Grace Dispensation where I do not have to do anything to appease Him or to find favour from Him, but only to look at the finished work of Christ Jesus on the Cross. Only Faith in Christ alone will save me.

My Salvation was attained the moment I believed and trusted Christ Jesus, this is the message I also have to share with others. That Jesus died, He was buried, on the third day He was raised from the dead by the power of the Almighty God and ascended to His Father in Heaven where He is interceding for His Church (the Body of Christ).

When Christ died on the Cross, He gave me His life and I believe I am with Him forever (Eternally). My focus is on Christ alone the only saviour of all mankind. Amen.

Moffat Chima (Evangelist) – SFGBC Facilitator Chikume/Samson Village classes

Set free from legalism

I no longer teach law or legalism, but grace. Previously I believed in law and works as a basis upon which God would bless me. But now I believe in grace which enables me to always be blessed and qualified in God’s eyes. We are no longer under the law but grace.

I would like other church leaders be able to understand the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant. Legalism and grace must be understood, thereby casting out the bondwoman – the law, and embrace the freewoman – grace. The gospel of grace should be taught in all churches, so that people get saved for free as a gift from God.

Ben Mulenga

Scales fell off my eyes!

Ken Legg is not just another grace teacher, Ken is a revolutionary who has helped many of us who were born again in legalistic Churches and as such lived in obscurity as it related to the finished work of the Cross. We lived in utter chaos. We couldn’t know the joy of God’s salvation. We knew we were saved by the grace of God, but confusion came in when we were taught that we have a part to play if we are to maintain our salvation. This belief meant that a child of God can lose his salvation. But Ken comes through and declares ‘once a son, always a son’ – what liberating truth. All of a sudden, it’s like scales fall off one’s eyes and for the very first time light shines through. I did not earn my salvation. Therefore, I can’t lose it. Salvation is a free gift that comes by faith in Jesus Christ. At conversion one receives eternal life; if one can lose eternal life, then it wasn’t eternal life they received. What part of ‘eternal life’ don’t you understand? asks Ken. It is gratifying to know that I can’t lose my salvation, I am eternally saved. I am loved because I am in the beloved Son of God.

Terry Mwenya – Member Lusaka Regional Team

I believed Salvation can be lost.

I thought the prayer of a Bishop can cause me to be righteous.

I believed that Pastor had the right to forgive sins.

I believed that Grace encouraged sin. The strength of sin was Grace.

I believed in praying to ancestral spirits. These are spirits of my dead relatives.

My belief was that no prayer can reach God without using anointed oil.

When I was introduced to grace by Chishimba Mwenya I found that all these beliefs were wrong. They’re even not in line with the scriptures. I thank God for bringing the whole true Gospel into my life and my life is not the same now. Am completely a new creation in Christ. My aim now is to reach others with the Gospel of Grace. To build where I used to destroy with false doctrine. I know where the truth is lacking and who lacks it.

Moses Ngoy, Luapula Province.


First and foremost, l want to thank SFGBC and Ps. Ken Legg for the wonderful and powerful teachings on grace. This school has made me to know who are am in Christ Jesus. I would like to encourage everyone to join this school and know that we are no longer cursed but blessed in Christ Jesus. Shalom shalom.

Patrick Machona


In the first place, l would like to thank God for having met Ken, through whom his messages on Grace became my life changer. Through SFGBC, Pastor Ken has made me know who l am in Christ and what Jesus accomplished for me on the Cross. I also want others through this School to know that in Christ we have been blessed and not cursed.

John Dailofa


I was a level 3 student in Ndeke Changa SOM when I shifted to Malembeka Luangwa Township where I noticed that all the Pastors were preaching legalism and there were also some false prophets. The spirit was so bad, preachers were busy competing on how to get money from their unsuspecting church members and community.

I enrolled some Pastors and opened a SFGBC class in Malembeka. I met very serious resistance from the religious leaders and false prophets who accused us of being deceived and deceiving their people. Meanwhile they were charging people for miracles and all the blessings of God!

We continued our classes and other pastors joined us. Later even religious, traditional leaders joined the class. Right now, the area is so evangelised that almost all the Pastors apart from false teachers are preaching the grace massage and the spirit is right among Pastors. I wish the Whole City of Kitwe could hear this Gospel massage.

We thank God for our leaders and Pastor Ken Legg for bringing the massage of grace to our remote areas.

Noble Mukunsa, Facilitator Malembeka SFGBC Class Luangwa Township, Kitwe.


Before enrolling as a SFGBC student I was a young Pastor preaching legalism. I didn’t know my true position in the Lord and I was not confident even when i stood in front of people to preach.

After enrolling and attending Class sessions, especially Firm Foundations, I understood that I am a son of God, I am made righteous in Jesus. I no longer depend upon my own righteousness and faked goodness. I stopped struggling as a Christian and as a Pastor.

Now I am so confident, I can stand anywhere and preach the Gospel of Grace with clarity.

We thank God for this School. Like me, many students who attend this school are being transformed.

May God continue to use Pastor Ken and SFGBC graduates to be a source of blessing to this generation.

Jack Kampamba, Facilitator SFGBC Mindolo Miseshi Class, Kitwe.


I thank God for this School. Before I enrolled, I was a Christian but did not know my position as child of God because we were taught that we were supposed to work hard and could lose our salvation if we relaxed. Christianity to me was a burden and wearing me out. I was always sickly.

But after I enrolled and started attending these lessons, especially Firm Foundation teachings, my eyes opened and I knew this is what I needed.

Richard Zulu, SFGBC Mukuba Natwange Class


I am transformed and blessed for knowing the difference between legalism and grace. I don’t believe in works to merit favour from God. I believe in the finished work by Jesus Christ on the cross. The righteousness of Christ has been imputed on us. I would like church leaders to change believing in legalism (law) to grace, about what Jesus Christ finished on the cross of the Calvary. No one will be made righteous by keeping the law. Salvation is a free gift from God.

Alex Kabaso


I no longer teach law or legalism, but grace. Previously I believed in law and works as a basis upon which God would bless me. But now I believe in grace which enables me to always be blessed and qualified in God’s eyes. We are no longer under the law but grace.

I would like other church leaders be able to understand the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant. Legalism and grace must be understood, thereby casting out the bondwoman – the law, and embrace the freewoman – grace. The gospel of grace should be taught in all churches, so that people get saved for free as a gift from God.

Ben Mulenga


Grace Gospel has made me be a real Christian not attempting to keep the law but living as a believer in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am seeing many miracles in people’s lives as they receive this Gospel of Grace, there is full deliverance unlike in the other. I want to work with my fellow facilitators as a team to advance this message.

I believe that this Grace Gospel I have encountered has been long overdue, so this college will be instrumental to spreading the message.

Dickson Zimba


The college has taught me that salvation is forever. It can not be lost. Once saved, always saved. It has corrected me that salvation is only by faith alone in Christ alone. It has taught me that even those who claim to follow the law do not follow it because many of them are not circumcised (males), they are not Levites and they are not Jews. There is no difference among men in the way we are saved. Christ has saved us from the curse of the law.

I want to spend my life bringing other church leaders to the true gospel.

Esau Manda


I thought that to be a pastor is to pray and fast for the people. To lay hands on the people and to prophesy and conduct deliverance. I went on looking for power through fasting and paying seed to Bishops without getting the powers until I ended up manipulating people.

I believed that salvation can be lost and the way of getting it back is through revival. All these have been proved false. I did not know about the gift and the reward. Now I want to share the truth with other people. It’s a command which we have to joyfully do. There is a reward for it.

Festus Chimbanda


My life is not any more a struggle to live a Christian life. All I am and do are in the hands of Jesus who finished it all for me. In ministry there are many testimonies in that believers leave other people’s lives in the Holy Spirit control and leadership, no more policing people. I want the freedom I have found, to also be there in many lives as I work discipling them through this college. It must multiply as a school to other places.

Elder Justine Musonda


The gospel of grace has transformed my life – I have been saved for free. I now understand that keeping the law doesn’t bring salvation. I am no longer in legalism, so I teach grace. My family have as well benefited from this gospel. We now relate to God through grace by believing in Christ Jesus as our Lord grace-based teaching.

I would like to contribute to the expansion of God’s Kingdom by teaching the difference between legalism and grace. In this case the true gospel of grace will be understood so that those who relate to God by keeping the law can see how the grace of God is being cancelled. In this, all leaders of churches should shift their attention from Law to Grace because Christ is the final message to the world.

Baron Mwansa


I have come to understand that my salvation is given to me through my faith in Christ Jesus and as such, no one can condemn me. I am able to divide rightly between what grace is and what law is. In other words, the gospel of grace has removed ignorance from me and it has brought knowledge of who I am in Christ Jesus. In my life and ministry, I have come to understand that the era of grace is the New Testament given. The gospel of grace has also taught me that I am no longer a sinner to the law but a new creation and a true believer of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Having acquired the knowledge of truth from this college, I would like to impart the same to others. I have a noble course of taking the gospel of truth closer to shepherds. People are thirsty for the doctrine of grace and as such, I feel I should be part of truth giving.

Namrod Munalo


I used to believe that my works are the ones which will make me holy in the eyes of God. In works like tithes, wearing church uniforms. I used to worship God but I did not know what grace was. But the teachings of Ken Legg that I received from Set Free Grace Bible College have helped me very much on my Christian life, especially on grace. Grace is what God has done for me through His Son Jesus Christ.

I have been helped by these teachings so I want to make sure that I also teach others so that this message reaches all people around the world. People should know the truth and be delivered from the Law.

Nyoni Wisdom 


The message of grace has changed my life and ministry, because it has taught me that God loves me not because of what I have done but what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary. He has imputed his righteousness on me. I am no longer condemned but blessed in Christ Jesus.

I want to be a facilitator with Set Free Grace Bible College so I can help people understand and come out from legalism to the true gospel of grace. I also want to preach this gospel in my community.

Parage Chisala


Learning the gospel of grace at Set Free Grace Bible College has changed my life

  1. Saved me from paying seed for blessing.
  2. I have known that there are no human mediators now.
  3. The difference between old and New Testament is now clear to me.
  4. That the just shall live by faith alone.
  5. Salvation is forever.
  6. That tithe is not for the New Testament as we should give willingly.
  7. I have known that grace is God working through us.

Freely I have received the good news. Freely I want to help change the lives of other preachers as well. It’s the great commission.

Tikozenge Tembo


The ways and areas the gospel of grace has transformed my life and ministry are many. I now understand the difference between legalism and grace. I no longer teach about law but grace messages as taught in the new covenant. I no longer tithe but give generously as the Lord provides. Most members of my family have now understood grace is the only energy to move us away from sin.

I would like other church leaders to move away from legalism to grace. They should not work for their salvation because it is free gift from God through Christ. They should not mix law and grace.

Wilson Mwewa


I have been a Believer for a long time. I believed that as a Christian, God will give me everything that i ask Him. Things will always be good for me. There will be no problems either in my body or in my social and economic life. Any problem will be a sign of a crack in my Salvation and I had to seal it with a seed sowing or paying a price.

After meeting the truth in the Grace Gospel brought to Zambia by Ken Legg, I was able to see that all the great men of God in the bible passed through the same problems and prevailed without sowing seed. In some cases, God used their situations to their advantage. One good example is that of Joseph recorded in the book of Genesis. Am strengthened because all problems work together for the good to all believers. Therefore, no one will ever take advantage of my problems and make profits out of them.

Namrod Munalo


I was a Church leader for many years as a legalist. Christian life was too difficult for me because I was not meeting the standard of God’s righteous law. I was encouraged by the popular misunderstanding of Grace which Says that Grace is God’s undeserving favour. So even if I was struggling, the favour of God can locate me provided I am up to date with my tithes. Things changed when I was introduced to grace as taught by Ken Legg. I found that Grace was God’s ability in the place of my inability. All I need is to trust in Jesus as He is the one who works in me. This is in line with Paul when he said the life which I live it’s not me but Christ who lives in me.

I have now seen prosperity in my ministry. Things that I could not do in my own strength are now happening in the Grace of Jesus. Grace has empowered me to offer a better and credible service to my Lord.

Felix Mubita, Livingstone


I have been a pastor for many years in legalist Churches on the Copperbelt of Zambia. I believed that unless you forgive others God will not forgive you. For this I struggled to forgive everyone. When I came to Grace through the teachings of Ken Legg, I found the truth. In the New Testament we don’t forgive in order to be forgiven. We forgive because God has already forgiven our sins. All my sins were forgiven when I received Christ. That’s why I rejoice in forgiving others.

Patrick Makaka, Lusaka


After having achieved certificates, diplomas and degrees from different Bible learning institutions I met with Ken Legg and his emphasis on Grace. One out of so many testimonies is that I have learned to preach Jesus Christ who died, was buried and rose from the grave, and not the law or rules. I have become a new transformed teacher and preacher not convicting people of their dos and don’ts, not telling them what not to do and what to do, but giving them life changing Gospel of Grace that works from inside out, no longer wasting time showing people sin but showing them Christ Jesus, no longer a spiritual police preacher but a Grace Christ preacher. And to God be the glory.

George Kakoso, Ndola


I want to testify that I have seen great changes in my life after I embraced Grace lessons by Ken Legg. I have completely been transformed. My life in Jesus Christ is now guided by the holy Spirit not by law or rules. My life is now based on his finished work and his abundant Grace. I want as many to become like me in Jesus. Amen!

Samson Simunguzye, Ndola


Am a retired teacher who has been a legalist Christian for many years, believing that keeping the 10 commandments will make me holy.

Things Changed when i got the true Gospel of grace brought to Zambia by Ken Legg. I discovered that the law was given to Israel only and not to the other tribes. That Jesus found the law which he fulfilled. That the New Testament began after the cross. After the cross everything changed so that even Gentiles like myself are acceptable before God and free to work for him in any office that he appoints testaments are made of blood. The Old Testament was made using the blood of animals while the New Testament was made with the blood of Christ. Thank you, Ken. God used you to change my life.

Harrison Gondwe, Lundazi


Set Free Grace Bible College has really helped me to know the truth. We have learnt that Jesus Christ paid every offering on the finished work on the cross of Calvary. And He said that you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free according the book of John chapter 8:32.

Brian Ngosa, Nchelenge Class Facilitator.

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