Set Free Grace Bible College

Announcement From Ken Legg
Set Free Grace Bible College Founder And Teacher

It was with great sadness that we witnessed the passing of our esteemed brother Joseph Mulyata. Joseph was the National Coordinator of Set Free Grace Bible College for several years. Under his leadership the work grew exponentially. He understood well the heartbeat of SFGBC, which is to make disciples who will make disciples, who will make disciples. In this, he left an outstanding legacy of leaders who are making disciples generationally.

With Joseph’s passing it became immediately clear that the position of National Coordinator could be filled with none better than Bishop Henry Mweemba. Henry, possesses the rare combination in leadership of strength and humility. He is highly respected throughout Zambia and, like Joseph, has raised up numerous schools of ministry and able leaders who are crystal clear in their understanding of the gospel of grace. His record speaks for itself.

At the same time we have great pleasure in appointing Pastor Terry Mwenya to the position of Team Leader, Lusaka Regional Leadership Team which oversees more than 200 SFGBC classes. Terry has been associated with us in ministry for many years. He is fearless, passionate and tireless in confronting false teaching and replacing it with the true gospel of grace as taught by the apostles. Like Joseph and Henry, Terry has a proven record and has been appointed with full assurance that he will carry this position well.

We commend both Henry and Terry, and their families, to you and to the grace of God. We have complete confidence that the ministry will continue to flourish in the years to come.

Onwards and upwards for His glory, and by His grace.

Joseph Mulyata

Gone to be with the Lord

Henry Mweemba

SFGBC New National Coordinator

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