Set Free Grace Bible College

The Course Overview

  • The SFGBC is a means of discipling pastors, church leaders and other believers in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • This training course has been deemed necessary in the light of an abundance of erroneous, extra-biblical teaching in Christian circles which are legalistically based. Such teachings place a “heavy yoke” on the backs of individuals and set goals which are unattainable ending in frustration, condemnation and despair.
  • In contrast to this, grace-based discipleship focuses on what Christ has done for the individual and encourages full participation in the finished work of the cross through faith.
  • This approach has proven to be ‘an easy yoke and light burden’, as promised by Jesus in Matthew 11:30, and is empowering to the believer.
  • Ken Legg is the teacher (by video) and the class is convened/led by a qualified facilitator.
  • Facilitators give of their time freely. A class usually takes about 2 hrs. (45-60 minutes for the lesson, followed by discussion, Q and A etc.)
  • SFGBC provides Levels 1-6 video lessons and all e-workbooks/notes on USB.

Course Map

Set Free Grace Bible College curriculum consists of Levels.

Each Level consists of Modules.

Each Module consists of Teaching Sessions.

The course consists of 240 grace-based teaching sessions. These are divided up into 6 Levels of 40 sessions each. The average duration for each teaching session is about 40-45 minutes. There is a workbook for each level.

After successfully completing Levels 1, 2 & 3 a Diploma in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry is awarded.

On successfully completing Levels 4, 5 & 6 – an Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry is awarded.

Please scroll down for more information.


Establishes the hearts of students in the grace of God through the finished work of Christ. Level 1, therefore, covers the primary salvation epistles of Romans, Galatians and Hebrews and also the 12-part ‘Firm Foundations’ series.

Firm Foundations

A 12 Session series designed to help you establish your heart on the rock-solid foundations of God’s grace.


Righteousness Revealed (Romans) – An exposition of the first eight chapters of what is probably the most important book in the Bible. In the book of Romans Paul gives the most comprehensive teaching on the doctrine of salvation.


Apostolic Foundations (Galatians) – An 8-part exposition of Paul’s response to those who attempted to bring the Church into bondage to the Law.


New Covenant, New Glory (Hebrews) – An 8-part series from this letter which was specifically written to Hebrews who were transitioning from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.


The student learns to apply the truths learned in Level 1 in outreach by, 1) discovering how the early church did so in the book of Acts; 2) equipping students to minister recovery through the Identity-Driven Life module to those who have been damaged by spiritual, emotional and physical abuse.

The Identity Driven Life

This module is primarily designed to help Christians find recovery from unresolved hurts. It offers identity-based restoration, working on the principle of – transforming the heart by renewing the mind.

Salvation is Forever

There are six sessions in this module providing solid support for the subject of eternal security and dealing with some of the objections to it.

The Blessing of Abraham

Believers in Christ are blessed, not cursed. The life of Abraham beautifully illustrates this doctrine.


Turning the World Upside Down (Acts of the Apostles) – 20 sessions have been given to the book of Acts because it is the only Biblical record of the first 30 years of church history.


Further equips students in grace-based ministry by means of evangelism, discipleship and Biblical counselling.


A Glorious Church – 12 sessions of expository teaching in the book of Ephesians.

Counselling God's Way

There are 20 sessions in this training subject. First, we lay rock-solid foundations for biblical counselling, then we move on to look at several specific and common counselling situations.

Advancing the Kingdom

Six sessions looking at the kingdom parables of Matthew 13.

Grace Based Discipleship

2 practical sessions on how to make disciples the ‘grace way’.


Reveals the source of all effective Christian living and ministry through prayer and dependence on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

New Covenant Prayer

The purpose of this module is to understand prayer from a New Covenant perspective, i.e. to recognize that prayer is not bringing a shopping list to God, but aligning ourselves with His eternal purposes.

The Faith of Our Fathers

Vital truths we can learn from the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

Your Helper the Holy Spirit

8 sessions looking at the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Book of Revelation

An overview of the Book of Revelation and a session on God’s purpose for the nation of Israel.

Seven Signs Revealing His Glory

John’s gospel as presented through the seven miracle signs of Jesus.

Living a Life of Significance

Twelve sessions on life in the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.


The emphasis of Level 5 is to ensure the student has both an earthly perspective and an eternal perspective.

Eternity is in Our Heart

What the Bible says about life after death for the believer and unbeliever.

A Person After God's Own Heart

A study of the life of David, who is one of the greatest types of Christ in the Bible.

The Kingdom of God, Then

What Jesus taught about life in the kingdom at the end of the age.

The Sovereignty of God

This module explores how God’s sovereignty does not negate the free will of man and how they harmonize together.

The Promise of the Spirit

The ministry of the Holy Spirit to the believer in the new covenant age.

Miscellaneous Studies for Phase 5

Various topics, including An Open Heaven, The Lord Our Healer, Good News Couriers, An Unbreakable Covenant, God Qualifies the Unqualified, Depression and the Grace of God, and The Book of Revelation.


The Christian life is to be lived by faith. This is underscored in Level 6 with many examples from the Old Testament cited in the book of Hebrews, plus the lives of Ruth, Job and David and his men. These all illustrate the vital truth that God can be trusted to produce the fruit (of the Spirit) in His people regardless of their circumstances.

Faith People

The just shall live by faith. This is illustrated for us in the lives of the characters listed in the ‘Gallery of Faith’ in Hebrews 11.

Saints Punching Above Their Weight

In our own strength we are not able to stand against the wiles of the devil. But we are more than conquerors through Christ. This is depicted in the lives of David and his mighty men.

Wounded For Our Transgressions

An in-depth study of the death of Jesus based on Isaiah 52:13-53:12.

Why, Lord? (The Book of Job)

A study on the question of suffering, from the book of Job.

The Book of Ruth

An exposition of the book of Ruth, looking at the believer’s redemption.

The Authentic Christian Life

How to distinguish between the authentic and the counterfeit Christian life, based on Jesus’ teaching about the True Vine.

My Church, My Family

A two-part series looking at leadership and life in the church.

The Kingdom of God

A two-part series on an important Bible subject.


A one-part study designed to clear up many misconceptions about fasting.

SFGBC Course Fees

  • SFGBC is tuition free.
  • Students may voluntarily and collectively contribute to the cost of venue hire, electricity or other necessary utilities.
  • Each student will cover the costs of his/her own SFGBC certificates and manuals
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